Membership Fee

There is no Membership option this year. 

A standard fee of $275.00/meeting will be charged for each participant.

Attendee fees will be processed at the door.

Remember, we do not accept credit cards. Payment will need to be made by check.

Registration can be paid in advance by sending a check to:

Dr Ernest Godfrey 
7791 52nd Street North
Pinellas Park, FL 33781

Questions… call Dr Ernest Godfrey (727) 546 – 0005

Central Florida Academy of Veterinary Medicine | Continuing Education for Florida Vets

CFAVM Important Announcement

There will NO meeting in May 2025. The presenters can not make the meeting and there is not enough time to replace them.

Also, we regret to inform you that, we will be discontinuing the Central Florida Academy of Veterimary Medicine (CFAVM). 

It has been a good run, but times have changed and we can no longer continue the CFAVM.

We are extremely thankful for all of the support you have provided over these 49 years


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